An investigation was carried out to Characterize 25 local and exotic mango
germplasm at the Fruit Research Farm of Bangladesh Agricultural Research
Institute (BARI). Joydcbpur. (Jazipur. during September. 2006 to August.
2007. The number of fruit set per panicle was maximUF71 11w Ananas (30.25)
and minimum 11w Maldah (5.00). Individual fruit weight ranged from 110 g in
Kalachini to 560 g in Fazli. Number of fruit per plant was maximum in BARI
Aam-2 (198) and minimum in M-3896 (31). BARI Aam-2 yielded the highest
(36.08 kg/plant) followed by Kent (27.77 kg/plant). Pahatun
and Maldah (25.8 kg/plant). The germplasm Mollika (79.69 %) and Kalachini
(52.9 15%) had highest and lowest edible portion. Maximum pulp to stone ratio
was found in Kalachini (0.89) and minimum in Shinduri (0.14). Kent contained
the highest TSS (22.23%) and lowest TSS was in Totapuri (16.27%). Pulp p11
was the lowest in Ahaping (4.14%) and highest in Totapuri (5.42%), whereas
Summer Behest had the highest (0.54%) titratable acidity. The germplasm
Kalachini was top in respect of reducing sugar (7.37%) and non reducing
was the highest in Summer Behest
Maximum sugar acidity ratio was
noted in Totapuri (81
I). Most of the germplasm under study performed very
well in respect of yield, quality and pest & disease reaction. BARI Aam-l.
BARI Aam-2. Kent and Ra.shunkoa were promising among the germplasm
tested. Germplasm like Mollika. Ruby. Dashehari. Shinduri and M-3836
possessed attractive skin colour.