The experiment was carried out at the Landscape. Ornamental and Floriculture Division of
Horticulture Research Centre (HRC), Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BAR!),
.Joydebpur, Gazipur, Bangladesh during July 2007 to June 2008. l'wenty seven germplasm of
chrysanthemum were evaluated and characterized in respect of yield and yield contributing
characters to select promising line(s). The results indicated the existence of wide variability
among the germplasm on their physio-morphological characters along with yield and yield
attributes. The genetic parameters, correlation and path coeflicient analysis revealed that stalk
length. flower number, flower size, sucker number and vase life were the most important traits to
be selected for the development of chrysanthemum. Based on these selection criteria the
germplasm CM-004, CM-0
CM-022, CM-023. CM-024 and CM-025 were identified as good
germplasm for cut flower and CM-009, CM-012, CM-OIR, CM.019 and CM-021 for pot culture.
The effect of different potting media like soil, cocodust and rice husk was used singly and in
combination on morphological and floral characteristics of chrysanthemum. The highest number
of flowers (40), the longest stalk (13.3 cm) and maximum durability of flowering (40 days) was
produced by coco dust medium. There were six pinching like without pinching, once 40 days,
once 50 days, once 60 days, twice 40 and 50 days and thrice 40, 50 and 60 days. Maximum
number of leaves (235). branches (12) and flowers (45) were produced by pinching thrice in
chrysanthemum. Foliar application of ISO ppm GA3 was the best for obtaining maximum
number olcut blooms (40) with longer stalk
cm) as well as big flower size (7.3 cm).