Forty genotypes of chickpea (('leer aridUnmu F..) were studied in a Field nperiment
Ct)Iklticteci at the experimental Field ''I RARI .iodebpnr, (ltlrinL: the )ear 2004-2005. A
randomized complete block design having three replications were lollowed. The
ohjectivcs oF the study we.e to rileusuic he variability among the genolvpes for yield and
yield contributing characters, estimate genetic parameters, association among the
characters and their contribut 101) to yield. Significant genetic vari:itiotis were observed thr
days to Ilover. plant height. number ol' branches per plant. number oF pods per plant. 100-
seed weight and seed yield per plant. I lighest genotypic variability was observed in
number of seed yield ibllowed by nunther of pods per plant and branches per plant
whereas days to maturity showed lowest genotvpic co-elficiejn of' variability. In all cases.
phenotvpic variances were higher than the genotvpic ones. II hzh lieritabi lit) and high
genetic advance in percent of mean were thund in seed yield per plant, pods per plant,
lOO-seed weight and dry weight per plant which indicates that selection could he etThctive
br these traits. Considerable heritability was observed in pod length. seeds per pod and
days to Ilowering and lowest lien tabi Ii tv was observed in days to pod tuat Liii ty followed
by plant height. The results obtained, showed that seed yield per plant had positive and
significant relation with branches per plant and pods per plant. Number of pods per plant
were positively correlated with branches per plant but negatively correlated with plant
height and days to first flowering. I luitdred seed weight had significant and positive
correlation with days to first flowering, dry weight per plant and pod length but had
negative correlation with pods per plant and seeds per pod. Days to first flowering, pod
length. pods per plant. dry weight per plant had high positive direct elThct on the yield .So.
days to first flowering, pods per plant. pod letigtli. branches per plant and dry weight per
plant are found the important characters and could he used on direct selection lr yield.
(ieiuotvpes C'l'M-SôO. ( 'PNl-X-j, htlNA elnla-3, HARt ('hula-I 15ARI ('liula-7 showed
better performance in all aspects indicating the possibility of using these in Future breeding