The present study was conducted with a view to knowing the reproductive performance of indigenous
buffaloes at Sreemangal Upazila under the Moulovibazar district. Data were collected on a regular basis
in 2021 from thirty (30) families by written interview paper. Out of 30 families; 26 own 33 milch
buffaloes, 17 dry buffaloes, 12 heifer calves, 7 bull calves, and 10 bullocks were counted for calculation.
This study demonstrated that the distribution of buffalo populations was scattered and the average
buffalo populations were 3.038 per house-holds. The evaluated reproductive performance of indigenous
buffaloes found the age at puberty was 44.06 ± 2.13 months, lactation length 204.70±20.68 days, milk
yield 1.88±0.702 liters/day, gestation period 307.00±2.11 days, body weight 27.26±1.55 kg/calf, age at
first calving 53.84±1.48 months, calving interval 1.72±.548 years and the average post-partum heat
period was 147.6±18.68 days. The study revealed that the reproductive performance of the buffaloes
was varying among breeds, farms, locations, areas, seasons, and management in the study area. In a
concrete manner, this study gives a complete scenario of the reproductive performance of indigenous
buffaloes at Sreemangal Upazila under the Moulovibazar district of Bangladesh which is strictly
controlled by genetic and non-genetic factors.