The experiment was carried out at the experimental field of Sher-e-Bangla
Agricultural University, Dhaka during November 2009 to March 2010 to observe
the effect of sowing dates on growth and yield performance of some selected
wheat genotypes. The experiment comprised of two factors, viz. Factor A: Sowing
dates (4 sowing dates) - Sowing on 17 November, 2009: Sowing on 30
November, 2009: Sowing on 15 December, 2009 and Sowing on 30 December.
2009 and Factor B: Wheat genotypes (9 wheat genotypes)- BAW-1064. Sourab,
4 Prodip, Fang-60. Gourab. Sufi. Shatabdi. Pavan-76 and Bijoy. The experiment
was laid out in Two Factor Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with
three replications. Data on different yield contributing characters and yield were
recorded and significant variation was recorded for sowing dates, wheat
genotypes and their interaction effect. At 30, 40. 50. 60 DAS and harvest the
longest plant (45.09 cm. 66.40 cm, 82.56 cm. 86.20 cm and 89.83 cm) was
recorded from sowing on 30 November. 2009 and the shortest plant (40.7$ cm,
59.51 cm. 74.99 cm, 77.87 cm and 80.65 cm) from sowing on 30 December,
2009. The highest grain yield hi1 (3.64 ton) was found from sowing 30
November. 2009, whereas the lowest (3.15 ton) was recorded from sowing 30
December, 2009. At 30, 40, 50, 60 DAS and harvest the longest plant (45.36 cm,
66.34 cm, 82.77 cm. $6.84 cm and 90.50 cm) was obtained from Gourab, whereas
the shortest plant (40.70 cm. 61.20 cm. 76.44 cm. 79.57 cm and 81.64 cm) was
recorded from Bijoy. The highest grain yield ha (3.67 ton) was found from
Sourab and the lowest (3.10 ton) was observed from 13i joy. At 30, 40. 50. 60 DAS
and harvest the longest plant (49.41 cm. 71.85 cm, 89.72 cm. 94.24 cm and 98.36
cm) was observed in sowing on 30 November. 2009 x Gourab, again the shortest
plant (39.37 cm, 56.89 ciii. 71.63 cm. 73.79cm and 76.31 cm) was recorded from
sowing on 30 December. 2009 x Bijoy. The highest grain yield hi' (4.15 ton) was
found from sowing on 30 November. 2009 c Sourab. whereas the lowest (2.85
ton) from sowing on 30 December, 2009 x Shatabdi. The variety Gourab provided
better and steady yield in case of first, second and third sowings whereas. Gourab
and BAW-1064 provided better yield when sown on 30 November. However, the
yield was reduced in case of all the varieties when sown on 30 December.