The experiment was conducted at the experimental Farm, Sher-e-Bangla
Agricultural University, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka, Bangladesh during
December 2014 to May 2015. Twenty seven selected Boro rice lines and two
check varieties were evaluated. Highly significant variations were found among
the advanced lines for all the characters studied. The genotypes G7, G4 and G12
taken lower days to 50% flowering than the two check varieties. The highest total
tillers per plant and effective tillers per plant were recorded from G25. The highest
panicle length, yield per plant, yield per hectare were recorded from G8. The
highest secondary branches per panicle, total number of spikelets and number of
filled grains were found from G14. Maximum thousand seed weight was recorded
from G6. The highest length of rough rice was found from G24. The genotype G5
has shown the highest value in breadth of rough and uncooked rice. The highest
value in L/B ratio of rough and uncooked rice was found in G27. Maximum
hulling (%), milling outturn (%) and head rice recovery (%) were recorded from
G13, G2 and G10 respectively. In this study, ten lines are classified as long
slender grains, twelve lines and two check varieties (BRRI dhan-28, BRRI dhan29)
are classified as medium slender, three lines are long bold and two lines are
short bold grains. Maximum volume expansion (%) and water absorption (%)
were recorded from G8 and G20, respectively. The genotype G3 has shown the
highest kernel elongation ratio and alkali spreading value, which was in the range of ASV (7.00) that was high alkali digestion and low gelatinization temperature.
The genotype G15 has shown the maximum amylose content. Maximum protein
content was found in the genotypes G20, G22 and one check variety (BRRI dhan29).