A poly tunnel controlled experiment was conducted to identify the effect of nutrient
solution on growth, yield and physiological performance of sweet pepper. The
nutrient solution composition is one of the major component for successful
hydroponic crop production. The crop specific nutrient solution is needed to improve
the growth and yield of sweet pepper. Three nutrient solutions were considered as
treatments, viz S
Inden (2012) and S
= Hoagland and Arnon (1940), S
= Full strength Rahman and
= ¾ strength Rahman and Inden (2012). Vegetative growth and
yield contributing characters were measured. The highest plant height (119cm),
number of fruit per plant (20), individual fruit weight (210g), fruit length (8.7cm),
fruit diameter (7.9cm), fruit volume (224cc) and fruits yield (3.99 kg/plant) were
found the highest when S
results were found incase of S
nutrient formulation was applied. But statistically similar
. While the ascorbic acid (205.8 mg/100g FW), leaf
area (136.8 cm2), leaf mass ratio (0.97gg-1) and net assimilation rate (0.000012 unit)
were maximum in S
. Therefore, ¾ strength Rahman and Inden, (2012) nutrient
solution can be used for sweet pepper cultivation in hydroponic system in