Laboratory experiment was carried out to compare the effectiveness of the new Low Cost Solar Tunnel
Drying (LCSTD) technique with the Traditional Sun Drying (TSD) method of the Prawn, Macrobruchium
lumarrci. [loth salted and unsalted Prawn (M. lamarrei) required 4 hours for drying in LCSTD, while in
sun drying it required 6 hours, During the experimental period the inside drying temperature and percentage
of relative humidity varied from 4:1 to solie and 35 to 50%, respectively, whereas outside drying
temperature and percentage of relative humidity varied from 29 to .'8"C and 50 to 78%. respectively. Solar
tunnel dried unsalted sample contained on an average of 14.65% moisture, 61.58% protein. :1.4'7" fat and
17.23% ash whereas sun dried unsalted sample contained 20.5')1. moisture, 5~% protein. 3.1'if, fat and
15.5% ash.The rate of drying was greater in the Low Cost Solar Tunnel Drier (LCSTD), which effectively
controlled the fly larva infestation during drying. The low cost solar tunnel drier produced superior quality
dry prawn under hygienic conditions.