An attempt has been made in this study to examine the profitability of Boro rice producing farms
according to these three tenure groups such as owner, cash tenant and crop share tenant farmers. About 90
sample farmers, 30 owner farmers, 30 cash tenant farmers and 30 crop share tenant farmers were selected
for the present study. The field survey was conducted over the period from July-September, 2014. The
average gross returns per hectare were Tk. 108933.00, Tk. 119079.50 and Tk. 117368.48 in owner, cash
tenant and crop share tenant farmers respectively. Gross return was higher of cash tenant farmer than
other farmer but the total cost of production was higher in owner farmer and cash tenant farmer so their
net return is lower than crop share tenant farmer. It was observed that per hectare net return was Tk.
14296.78. 27285.54 and 38615.72 for the owner. cash tenant and crop share tenant farmers respectively.
Which indicates that crop share tenant farmer earned more profit than the other farmers.