The research was conducted to investigate the profitable market age of Cross-bred
(RIR X Fayoumi) cockerel reared for meat purpose on semi-scavenging system. One
hundred and twenty birds were used in the experiment which was distributed
randomly into 4 groups such as AI, A2, A3 and A4 depending on rearing age. Each
group contains 10 birds. Data on group AI, A2, A3 and A4 were recorded at the age
of 12, 14, 16 and 18 weeks respectively with similar type of ration. The data of the
present study showed that average live weight of the birds at 12, 14, 16 and 18
weeks were 738.33g, 919.00g, 1099.33g and 1276.67g respectively and all the
treatment groups were significantly different (P<O.OS) among them. Feed intake was
varying from 34S7.33g to 6S3S.00g and all the treatment groups were significantly
different (P<O.OS) at S% level. The FCR value was significantly lower (P<O.OS) in
Al (4.68) and followed by A2 (4.91), A3 (4.9S) and A4 (S.12). Lower FCR value
indicates positive performance. The lower mortality mean value 6.67% was found in
A2 and no significant differences was found among the treatments. The mortality
mean value was 8.33%, but no significant difference (P>O.OS) was found in
mortality. The cost benefit ratio (CBR) of A2 (1.14) and A3 (1.14) groups were
significantly higher (P<O.OS) than Al(1.09) and A4 (1.11) groups, no difference
(P>O.OS) was found between A2 & A3 and Al & A4 groups. The dressing % and
carcass parts of AI, A2, A3 and A4 were statistically non significant (P>O.OS).
According to Cost Benefit Analysis, 14 weeks were the best profitable marketing
age for sonali cross-bred male chicken, although dressing percent and carcass weight
percent of breast, thigh, drumsticks, back, wings and neck was not affected(P>0.05)
by different age groups.