The aim of the present study was risk assessment that is hazard clianieteriz.ation
and human exposure assessment of chemical Iv treated tomato available in
dilThrent areas of Bangladesh and also to conduct purity analysis of carboluran. a
frequently used pesticide by the liiriners in tomato field. To do the risk assessment
prinianly a list ol available pesticides iii three dilkrent region of Bangladesh
Nly mensingh. Narshindgdi and Jessore) was prepared by field visit and stirs cv.
Secondarily to determine the potential health risks associated ith the exposures
to these pesticides a scenario based on MSDS (material saft data sheet)
evaluation was 2ivcn. Moreover. A Dl (acceptable (faily intake). M RI ( inaximuni
residue level) and RI]) (reference (lose) value of' agro-clienticals ere also used
which werc refirred by different organizations like WI 10. EPA. I'! )A. I T.SA.
FAQ. ('odex. According to the held survey, most common agro-eheinicals sscre
taken to the study. All the pesticides available in the markets were Ilitind as
authorized pesticides and none of them were fhund to be extremely hzwardotis
according to the WI 10 recommended classi lication except carboluran. Iherefore
to lind out present quality status of carbofliran (5(i) products available in market.
purity analysis of randomly chosen thirteen samples was done by (K '-El!). Among
them the highest concentration was found 6.82%. No carbofuran content vas
found in Iwo samples. Most accurate concentration was 5.04%. The present stud
indicates that there is a high chance to have residual effects of pesticides in tomato
as a result of prehanest or posiharvest application. Most of the farmers do not
know about health risk issue of using agro-chemicals. It is important to aware the
farmers to follow the recommended close ol' registered pesticides and the
consumers to proper handling and processing of tomato fOr saI consumption.
In lorniation on health risk, exposure assessment was also highlighted for public
awareness. Suggestions were provided on the handling and processing such as
washing. cooking. boiling, packing. storage etc. for the sakt of the consumers.
her words: Pesticide residue. survey. \ISDS. WHO. ADI .MRL. Ril). safet. purity
analysis. carbofuran. (IC-Il I).
A Thesis
Submitted to the Faculty of Agriculture.
Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University. Dhaka,
in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of