An experiment was conducted during the period from l:ebruary to April of 2012
at the experimental held of the fanii of' Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University to study
the effect of nitrogen fertilizers and poultry manure on growth, yield and nutrient
contents of munghean (BARI Mung 6). The two-factorial experiment was conducted by
using RCBI) (Randomized Completely Block Design) with three replications. During the
experiment. tidlowing treatments were included No - Control. N1 - Nitrogen i 10 kg
ha". N2- Nitrogen 'i 20 kg ha". N - Nitrogen 25 kg ha" and P0 - no poultry manure,
P, - Poultry manure 4 t ha'', P2- Poultry manure 2) 7 t ha". 1)3 - Poultry manure :i 10
Both nitrogen and poultry manure doses as well as their interactions showed
signilicant effect on almost all growth and yield parameters. Al harvest highest plant
height, number ol leaves and branches plant'', average dry weight of pods
plant", number ol seeds po&. 1000-seed weight. seed yield and stover yield recorded in
N3 (Nitrogen (á) 25 kg ha") and it were either closely followed by or statistically similar
with N2 (Nitrogen 20 kg ha") and subsequently followed by N1 (Nitrogen @ 10 kg ha'
N. P and K content in seed were recorded highest in N3 (Nitrogen @25 kg ha") and it
was also either closely followed by or statistically similar with N2 (Nitrogen 20 kg ha'
5. Lowest results for above parameters were Ibund from the treatment using no nitrogen
fertilizer (N0). Similarly, in the ease of sole effect of poultry manure the highest values
for above parameters were recorded in P3 (Poultry manure ii, 10 t ha") which was, in
most of the eases, statistically similar with P2 (poultry manure '@ 7 t ha'') and then
followed by P1 (Poultry manure (ã 4 t ha"). Lowest results were found from the
treatment using no poultry manure (P0). In the case of interaction ol' treatments, highest
seed yield was recorded from nitrogen @ 25 kg ha" with poultry manure 10 t ha"
which was either closely followed by or statistically similar with (he interaction of
nitrogen iI 25 kg ha" and poultry manure 'jiF 7 t interaction of nitrogen 20 kg ha"
and poultry manure @1 10 t ha" and interaction of nitrogen 20 kg and poultry
manure i 7 t ha". Stover yield and nutrient contents showed almost similar trend like
seed yield.
A Thesis
Submitted to the Faculty of Agriculture,
Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural Lniversity,Dhaka,
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of