An experiment was conducted at the Research Field of the Shcr-e-lIanda Aericultural ( Jniversitv,
Dhaka 1207 during the period horn July 2012 to December 2012 to stud the effect of' phosphorus
and potass i urn in the field regarding on growth. v icld and nutrients content of B RRI dhaii3 .3
tinder the A 1.2-28. The present study consisted of two treatments of' potassium fertilizer (K Soil
application of K2Sth (a: 20 kg ha and 1<2: Foliar application ot' K1SO.1 â ID kg ha
1 and live
plrnsphortis levels including control (l': without (control). P2: Soil application :a 30 kg I' ha'.
P;: Soil application : 40 kg P It'. P4: lolkw application 'a 15 kg P ha
-' -and Ps: Fohiar
application (d 20 kg P ha ). 'l'he experiment as laid out in L\o factors RCI3D riiethiod with three
replications where the nieuns were adjudged by DMR F at 5% level of probability. All the studied
traits were significantly affected by the singly or interaction ellèct of both P and K ICrtilizers except
plant height at 90 DAT d tic to the ehiUct of' K. and plant height at 90 I )A I and han'est. leaf length at
90 D1V I and pan ide length while treatment P and K pertbrnied the best as sing
ly or their
interaction .,A s a result. the tallest plant (I 10. 10 and I 08.30 cm). max i mum leaves (45.30 and 39.09
plant-'), maximum etlCcrive tillers (14. I 3 and I I .79 hill
). longest panicle (22.46 and 2 1.39 cut),
maximum tilled grain 1141.6 and 129.5 panicle
5. lugher eighi of 1000-grain (31.24 and 29.66 u).
higher grain ielcl (5.39 and 4.85 t ha '). higher straw ield (8.74 and 8.11) t ha '), higher biological
yield (14.11 and 13.03 t ha ') and lughest harvest index (38.17 and 37.08%) were obtained by the
treatment P and Ki. respectively at harvest. Situ i lair results were also obtained in their interact ion
eflCct such as P,Kj produced shin i lican t lv the tallest plant (110.80 cm). maximum leaves (47.30
plain'), maximum eliective tillers (14.83 lull '), maximum filled grain (141.3 panicle
5. higher
weight of 1000-grain (31.97 g). higher grain ield (5.59 t ha
5. higher straw '. ield (8.95 t ha 5.
Ii igher biological yield (I 1.5 1 t ha ) and Ii ighest harvest i ides (38.50%). Siini lark. lu gher K and S
contents in straw was ibund Ii igher ( I .883 and 0.0970/o. respect ivelv ) in P, and another content by
grain and sLrav were statistical I) identical among the all treatments of phosphorus due to its non
sign i licant variation wli ile K j obtained the higher content of N. P. K and S by grain (67.04. 13.40.
12.87 and 5.030 kg ha. respectively) and straw ( 131.60 and 7.059 kg ha.
respectively) comparativels than that of K1 titie to the cllict oh' potassium fertilizer. Interaction
effect between I' and K. treatment PX f had high Is sign i licant than other i nteraetioits regarding to
K and S contents in straw ( 1.881 and 0.097%, respectively) w 11 Ic rest of the nutrient content by
grain and straw were statist cal Is identical among ii te interact ion treatments due to it non
significant variation.
A Thesis
Submitted to the Faculty of Agriculture,
Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka,
in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of