dc.description.abstract |
An experment was conducted at the research Iuirm of Sher-e-l3angla
Agricultural University. Dhaka during the period from November 2014 to April
2015 to study the growth. yield and nutrient content of onion as influenced by
potassium and sulphur. The experiment was laid down in a Randomized
Complete Block Design with three replications and consisted of two Ilietors.
Factor A (3 Levels of Potassium): K1 140 kg ha" MOP. K7 = 160 kg ha"
MOP, K3 = 180 kg ha4 MOP and Factor B (4 Levels of' sulphur): Scj r. Control
(no gypsum), 8, 130 kg ha'' gypsum, 82 = 150 kg ha'' gypsum and S3 - 170
kg ha'1 gypsum respectively. In case of potassium, K2 treatment produced the
highest yield (8.32 t ha'') and K, produced the lowest yield (7.85 t haj. In case
of sulphur. S, produced the highest yield (8.79 t ha'') and Si) produced the
lowest yield (7.09 t ha''). The treatment combmation of <22 produced the
highest yield (9.10 t ha'') and K,S0 produced the lowest yield (6.98 t ha''). In
case the efiect of potassium, the highest sodium. phosphorus, potassium,
sulphur, and nitrogen in bulb and leaf sample were obtained from K3 treatment.
In case of' sulphur. the highest sodium, phosphorus, potassium, sulphur. and
nitrogen in bulb and leaf' sample were recorded from 53 treatment. The
treatment combination of K3S1 showed the maximum amount ot sodium.
potassium and nitrogen nutrient in bulb and leaf sample. On the other hand the
treatment combination of K2S3 performed the maximum results for the sulphur
and phosphorus content in bulb and leaf sample. |
en_US |