A pot culture experiment was conducted to study the effect of salinity on growth and
yield of rice during the Aman season (June- December) of the year 2010 at the Shcr-eBangla
Agricultural University, Dhaka-1207. Four rice cultivars namely Sadamota BRRI
dhan40. Ueera and Lalmota and five salinity levels (0. 3, 6. 9 and 12 dS rn") were
imposed in the experiment. Durircg the experiment, plant height, relative root length,
relative root dry weight, relative shoot dry weight, relative total dry matter, effective tiller
hilL non-effective tiller hill", panicle length. number of filled and unfilled grains
panicl&'. thousand grain weight and yield hill" of the rice cultivars were measured. The
results indicated that all the parameters have significant varietal differences among them.
The tallest plants were found in Sadamota and Lalmota cultivars while shortest plants
were obtained from Ileera. But relative shoot dry weight and relative total dry matter
were highest in Heera as it contained maximum effective and non-effective tillers hill'.
Paniele length. number of filled grains panicle". thousand grain weight and grain yield
hill" were highest in Heera and lowest in BRRI dhan40 and Lalmota due to the mean
effect of five salinity levels. Plant height was highest at control salinity treatment and
lowest in the maximum salinity level (12 dS rn") for every cultivar. Similar results were
observed in case of relative root dry weight, relative shoot dry weight, relative total dry
matter, number of effective tillers hill'. panicle length and number of filled grains
paniele" for each of the cultivars. All the parameters decreased with increasing salinity
but this decreasing tendency was slower in Heera than other cultivars. On the other hand,
number of non-effective tillers hill' and unfilled grain panicle" increased with the
increasing level of salinity and the highest values were obtained from maximum salinity
level in BRRI dhan40. At the highest (12 dS in") level of salinity, significantly better
performance for thousand grain weight and grain yield hill" was given by 1-leera while
BRRI dhan40 was the most badly affected one by salinity.
A Thesis
Submiued to the Faculty of Agriculture,
Sher-e-Bangra Agriculiural University, Dhaka-1207
in part fulfillment of requirements for the degree of