The experiment was conducted to assess the major chemical constitunLs of saline
soil. A typical saline area of Bangladesh namely Khulna (J)omoria and Ratiaghata
lipazil ) , Bagherhat (Sadar and Rampal upazila) and Satkhira (Samnagar and
Kaligonj upazila) districts were selected. Four villages from each upazila were
selccted. The surlhce soil of 0 to 15 cm were collccted from 24 village of saline zone
of greater Khulna district during the period from February to March 2010. The
chemical analyses of soil constituents include total nitrogen, available phosphorus
and sulphur, exchangeable ions of Na K , Ca'-t Mg2' and Cl and chemical
properties such as pH, PC, SSP and SAR were determined and recorded. The pH and
PC of all these soil samples varies from 4.82 to 7.56 mhos cm and 1.20 to 5.35 dSnf
expressing acid to slightly alkaline and non saline to moderately saline in nature
respectively. I'otal nitrogen ranged from .01 to 0.15 % at Madardia of Rampal
upazila and Soondarmohal village of l3atiaghata upazila respectively. The available
sulphur and phosphorus were recorded as 0.13 to 0.86 and 16.52 to 55.23 m.e/l00 g
soil respectively.The dominant exchangeable cations and anion were Na', Ca2' Me,
Cl' and K4 . The range of these ions were found as 1.93 to 14.13, 4.68 to 14.56, 3.03
to 5.85, 1.73 to 4.72, 0.13 to 0.60 m.e/100 g soils respectively over 24 villages of
greater Khulna district. The SAR of the soil of these villages were recorded from 0.90
to 5.93 which were very sensitive to crops. The SSP of the soil samples ranged from
19 to 56%. The soils of these village were permissible to good for cultivation. The
soil of I3hagmari, Noornagar and Hajipur villages were acidic, the soil of Shanpara,
Ashan-Nagar, Chatchotia. Dulibola, Palit-Katti. Dakkin-Kooltali and Kooltali villages
were slightly acidic, the soil of Radha-Ballop, Cioojiati, Katoora, Deema, BadraSannashi,
Suto-Sannashi, Mollikaerbeard, Soondarmohal, and Kodla village were
particularly neutral and the soil of Madardia village was slightly alkaly in nature.
A Thesis
Submiued to the Faculty of Agriculture,
Sher-e-Bangra Agriculiural University, Dhaka-1207
in part fulfillment of requirements for the degree of
SEMESTER: July- December'10