Banks and other financial institutions play a vital role in forecasting the economic and social
condition of a country. Banks in Bangladesh now constitutes the core of the country‟s organized
financial system. Agrani Bank Limited, a leading commercial bank with 935 outlets strategically
located in almost all the commercial areas throughout Bangladesh, overseas Exchange Houses
and hundreds of overseas Correspondents, came into being as a Public Limited Company on
May 17, 2007 with a view to take over the business, assets, liabilities, rights and obligations of
the Agrani Bank which emerged as a nationalized commercial bank in 1972 immediately after
the emergence of Bangladesh as an independent state. As part of my academic requirement and
completion of my MBA program, I have to complete a four month period of Internship program.
I chose to do my Internship at Agrani Bank Limited, farmgate Branch. At ABL I was assigned to
do my intern in two different sections as general banking, and in cash division. In General
Banking Division I took the opportunity to learn about as much as possible. Excellence in
customer service helps an organization to build a good position in the market and retain more
customers. To keep the customers satisfied, ABL provides various types of service to its
customers. ABL Principal Branch has three departments. Through these three departments they
serve their customers. The main motto of the bank is to give best quality and swift service to
customers. In these four months of internship period I learn from them how to motivate
customers and give quick services. Agrani Bank Limited is operating efficiently with its existing
products and services. In service-oriented industry, it is very difficult to set a standard rule to
satisfy the customer. Several factors shape up the decision of taking the service from an
organization. The services which the Bank provides to their clients are very prompt and quality
one compare to other public or private banks. The bank made satisfactory progress in all areas of
business operation. Bank gain a prominent profit in the last year 20.04 crore taka and created an
employment opportunity with more than 13,269 employees as a regular basis. ABL performing a
prominent banking service to develop the economy of the country. Agrani Bank Limit is the
bank which will go on in the banking sector of the world with their slogan "Committed to serve
the nation”.
An Internship Report
Submitted to the Faculty of Agribusiness Management
Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka
In partial fulfillment of the requirements
For the degree of