The topic of my research is “Customers‟ perception & satisfaction of general banking
service quality at shamoli branch of Agrani Bank ltd”. This study attempted to understand
the customer perceptions on different general banking service quality dimensions while
dealing with this branch. The broad objective of the report is to know about the
Customers‟ perception & satisfaction of general banking service quality at shamoli
branch of Agrani Bank Ltd. to analyze the customers satisfaction of general banking
service quality of shamoli branch and to give some recommendations for improving the
quality of different banking services provided to the customers by Shamoli Branch. The
study was conducted based on both the primary and secondary sources of information.
The nature of the research is a descriptive research. A detailed questionnaire was used to
collect primary data. 50 samples were randomly selected and percentage method is used
for calculation. Satisfy these customers, the management can take some attempts.
Coming up with some points, which can improve the efficiency as well as quality of
general banking service. Agrani Bank Ltd of Shamoli Branch need to give more
emphasize on their service quality because survey shows customers are very much
quality oriented in Banking than ever before. To retain their customers and make them
loyal Agrani Bank ltd should be give some exclusive offering. By considering the
recommendations the Agrani Bank of Shamoli Branch can improve their service quality
and satisfied their customers with effectively and efficiency and makes them loyal
customers of Agrani Bank Ltd. Considering the volume of operation and limitations of
resources and proper management the bank is doing better than many modern banks. If it
is possible for the bank management to provide recommended services, the perception of
the customers will be positive about the service quality of the Agrani Bank of this branch.
An Internship Report
Submitted to the Faculty of Agribusiness Management
Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka
In partial fulfillment of the requirements
For the degree of