dc.description.abstract |
The main objective of this study were to determine and describe the use of mass
media by the Sub Assistant Agriculture Officers (SAAOs) in receiving agricultural
information and the characteristics of the SAAOs and also to explore the relationship
between the use of mass media and selected characteristics of professional leaders.
The selected characteristics were age, family size, annual income, rural orientation,
tenure of service, training received, social participation, cosmppoliteness and Job
satisfaction. Data were collected from 80 SAAOs of three upazillas (Sadar, Kendua.
Purbadhala) under Netrokona disirict through using a structured interview schedule
February to 20'
March 2008. Appropriate scales were developed in order
to measure the concerned variables A statistical software package named SPSS was
used to analyze the data and Karl Pearson Product Moment Correlation Co-efficient
were used to test the relationship between the independent and dependent variables.
The findings revealed that 66.3 percent of the respondents had medium use of mass
media, while 20 and 13.7 percent had high and low use respectively. The preferences
of use of mass media by the SAAOs were leaflet, television, SAAO diai, poster,
krishi kotha, bulletin, lblder, booklet, prothom alo. radio, jugantor, krishi biplob.
aniardesh, nayadaganta and internet. The findings also revealed that annual income,
tenure of service, traimng received, social participation, cosmppoliteness and job
satisfaction had significant positive relationship with the use of mass media by the
SAAOs. However, rural orientation of the respondent had significant negative
relationship while age and fbmily size of the SAAOs had no relationship with their
use of mass media in receiving agricultural information. Nonetheless findings reveal
that 76.3 percent of the SAAOs fell into the medium problem laced categoiy while
17.5 and 6.2 percent SAAOs faced low and high problems respectively. |
en_US |