related w ith a particular profession and at the same time bears all the leadership.
qualitic-, .md acti' irics. Sn \\C can sa) them professional lenders.
I he major focus of this studv wns to determine the attitude or the prolcssinnul leader"
(Suh-Asst. griculiural Officers SAAO"s) towards recommended doses or chemical
fertilizers and pesticides and to explore the relationships between the selected
chnractcri-aics of the :.\A(Ys.
Data for this stud) were collected from total eight) eight <;;;_\t\Crs. I his population
were covered all the three upazilas or Narayanganj district. I he researcher collected
data bv himself throuuh distribution or interv ic« schedules to the ()AAO"s durinu J '1
- ... -
Augus: to 11
• eptember-"2006. Coefficient or correlation {r) was computed in order
to explore the relationships betw ccn the dependent and independent variables.
I lo\\ e\ er. dcscripiiv c statistics like mean. standard dcv iation. range. minimum.
maximum values were computed to describe the dependent and independent variables.
r he findings or this study rev ca led that 28 percent or :AAO"s had highl;. fo\ ourablc
auiurdc towards recommended doses or chemical Icrtili/cr-, ~111d pesticides. while 48
percent had modcraicly nl\ ourablc and the rest 24 percent had sl ightl) lln curable
auiiudc towards recommended doses of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
I he correlation test show cd that age. training experience. cosmopolitcncss, media
exposure and h.110\\ ledge 011 chemical fertilizers. pesticides and irrigation \\ aicr of the
S.\.\()".., had ... ignificant positive relationships with their attitude towards
recommended doses of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. While income or the
S,\,\O"s had negative relationship with their attitude towards recommended doses or
chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
A Thesis
Submitted to the Faculty of Agriculture,
Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka,
in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of