Thirty nursery of greater Dhaka district were selected for conducting the study. As
a part of survey, owners of selected nursery were interviewed and prepared a clear
observation through a questionnaire during the period from November 2013 to
May 2014. Objective-oriented structured questionnaires were used to identify
socio-economic status of the nursery owners, intensity of infestation in different
seedlings, major insect pests in nursery and their proportion for specific seedlings,
species wise management practices and use of different insecticides for managing
these insect pests for specific seedlings or saplings species. Among the nurseries
the highest around 50.00% have low level infestation of nursery seedlings or
saplings followed by 26.67% nursery in mid infestation level and 3.33% nursery
high and sever level infestation of seedlings and saplings. Different insects was
recorded from infested seedlings/saplings and the species are thrips, hairy
caterpillar, aphid, stem borer, jassid, white fly, green bug, leaf minor and stem fly
was recorded. Nursery owners used different insecticides mainly Ripcord,
Mancozeb, Dithane, Sevin, Bavistin, Simcaf, Cartap Endofil and used for
controlling different insects. The nursery owner’s practices (NPs) the highest
seedling infestation was recorded from NP1 (40.00%), whereas the lowest sapling
infestation was observed from NP5 (6.67%) followed by NP4 (10.00%). The
highest BCR was calculated from NP5 (3.56), while the lowest BCR was observed
from NP1 (2.90). The pesticides combination (ICs) the highest seedling infestation
was recorded for IC1 (43.33%), whereas the lowest seedling infestation was
recorded from IC6 (3.33%) and IC5 (6.67%) for the management of nursery pests.
The highest BCR was recorded for IC6 (3.01), while the lowest BCR was recorded
from IC1 (2.41) and then IC2 (2.43) for the management of nursery pests. Among
the nursery owner’s practices NP5 (Mechanical, Cultural, Field sanitation) was
suitable in terms of insect control and also benefit cost ratio. Among the pesticides
combination (ICs) the IC6 (Mancozeb + Simcaf + Endofil) was suitable in terms
of insect control and also benefit cost ratio.
A Thesis
Submitted to the Faculty of Agriculture
Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka
in partial fulfilment of the requirements
for the degree