A field experiment
was carried out at the experimental fhmi of Sher-e-I3angla
Agricultuml IJniversity (SALJ). Dhaka, to investigate the influence of vaiying nnciupyle
position, on gmwth and yield of mungbean and hlackgram during 27
0" March to 25" June
2007. The trial comprised of two crops and four miempyle position Ircatments such as
C1= Mungbean, C- l3tackgsam. P,= Upward mieropyle position. P
2= Dovrnrd
niiempyk position, P3' Latemi rnicrapyle position. P= Haphazard mieropyle position.
The experiment was laid out in a split-plot design with three rnplications having two crops
in the main ploLs and thur micropyle positions in the sub-plots. Emergence pernentage,
plant height, root and shxn ratio, dry matter partitiorung. number of branches plant'.
number of pods plant* length of pod, number of seeds pod', 1000 seeds weight, shelling
percentage. seed yield. stover yield and harvest index were tested thr diffemnt titatments.
Results revealed that there was no significant ditlèrence observed between mungbean and
blaekgram for plant height, root and shoot ratio, total dry matter production. 1000 seed
weight, seed yield and stover yield. But mungbean performed better in producing the
highest yield which might be attributed to the earlier emergence percentage of mungbean
which was eventually supported the plant to produce more number of seeds pod' and
length of pod compamd to the hlackgmm. Number of bnnchcs plant', number of pods
plait', shelling percentage was higher in hlackgram than mungbean. The earlier
emergence percentage of dowrnward tiricropyle position shoswd the best perfomiance
and haphazard micropyle position showed numerically the maximum seed yield (0.82
ha'). But statistically there was no significant diflèrnncc among the tmaimcnts. Among
the interaction titatments, the highest - length, number of seeds pod' and 1000 seed
weight were Ihund in mungbean with haphaznni miempyle position. But numerically the
maximum seed yield (0.89 t hzi) was obtained from blackgram with haphamrd
micropyle position. Significantly the highest number of branches plant', number of pods
plant' and shelling percentage were thund in hlackgmm with other utatments.