The held experiment was conducted at the Agronomy Field of Slier-c- Bangla
Agricultural university (SAU). Dhaka in the Rahi season (NovemberFebruary)
of 2006-2007 to study the influence of variety and number of
on the growth and yield of rapeseed. The treatment comprised of three
and four levels of weeding. Different varieties were improved Tori-7.
sarisha- 12 and SAU sarisha- I. ike weeding treatments were no
one weeding at 20 DAS. two weedings at 20 and 30 DAS and three
at 20. 30 and 40 DAS. The experiment was laid out in a Randomized
Complete Block Design (ROD) (factorial) with three replications. The seed
yield of mustard varied with varietal difference along with different weeding
intervals. The growth behaviour of the three studied varieties were different
and hence weeding recommendation also varied, the variety SAU sarisha- I
showed the highest yield (1.57 t ha
) response with one weeding that followed
by the same variety with two weedings (1.55 t hi') but BAR! sarisha-12
responded better with two weedings. No weeding was needed for Improved
'l'ori-7 probably due to its earlier better growth coverage.