n tperiment v a carried out in the cxpcrim ntal field of h r-e-Bangla
Agricultural 11i er it)' Dhaka to i11\1e tigate the effect of inoculation
( Bradyrh. )zobi11111 inocul urns) and level of phosphorou on the growth and
yield of u111111 r mungbean (cv. BINA mung 5) during the umrner ea on
from March to June of 2006. Five le el of phosphorou viz. 110 pho phorou
(control), 30 60, 90 and 120 kg P205 ha-1 and two different Bradyrhizobium
strains with' control 1(110 inoculation) were us d as variables, The e periment
was laid out in a plit plot design with three replication r ,
Result bowed that inoculation had igniticant effect on grov th. yield and
. ield component ~ of mungbean except number of ed pod'. Compared to
other inoculation BINA-MB 441 gave the highe t number of nodule plant' 1,
higher dry \ eight of nodule plant", highe t number of pod plant'
plant" 1000 ~ eed weight seed yield and harve t index. Plant height, branch
number of nodule plant
Among the interaction . BI A-MB 441 X 90 kg P2
ha-1 perform d b l in
producing the highest yield ' hich may be attributed t the high t number of
nodul s plant", number of pods plant 1. 1000- e d weight, ·e ed yield and
harve t inde r.