The field experiment was conducted at the Agronomy Farm of Shcr-e-Bangla
Agricultural University (SAU), Dhaka to investigate the performance of different weed
control strategies for controlling weeds growth in rnungbean plots during the period from
March to Jwc 2008. The experiment was carried out in split-plot design with three
replications accommodating the varieties in main plot and weed control strategies in the
sub plot. The varieties were BARI mung 6 and BU mung 2 and weed control strategies
were no weeding. hand weeding, herbicide application, acassia extract application,
sorghum extract application. Brassica extract application and sunflower extract
application. Between the varieties BARI mung 6 was better performer in reduing
weed density (3.73%), weed hiomass (3.21%) and increasing weed control
efficiency (8.38%) at IS DAS than 1k! mung 2. Allelopathic plant extracts inhibited
weeds but less than hand weeding. hand weeding and acassia extract application
significantly reduced weed density by 50.39% and 40.16% with their corresponding
weed control efficiency by 54% and 50% respectively. RU mung 2 and hand
weeding. BARI mung 6 and acassia extract combination and also combination of
variety and other plant extract showed the higher weed control efficiency. Minimuni
number of weeds at IS DAS and at 45 DAS was found in the interaction of BARI mung
6 and hand weeding (7.31 weeds/rn2
). Variety, weed control strategies and their
interaction significantly inilueneed the crop, yield and other crop characters like
number of pods per plant. pod length. number of seeds per pod and thousand seed weight
of mungbean. Plant height was highest in acassia extract application (40.62 cm) at
harvest. The highest number of pods per plant (11.34 and 14.99) was recorded from
BARI mung oat 45
DAS and at harvest respectively. Yield of mungbean was higher in
hand weeding followed by acassia extract application herbicide application and
sorghum extract application respectively. The combination of BARI mung 6 and
hand weeding showed the highest grain yield (1501.00 kg ha
) that followed by the
same variety with acassia extract (1402.00 kg hi') and herbicide (1321.00 kg hi
').The grain yield increase over control by the variety BARI mung 6 with hand
weeding, acassia extract and herbicide were 157.46%. 140.48% and 126.58%