A field experiuieiit \%as condttcted in the experimental thrni of Sher-e-Banida
Agricultural iii \crsit - Dhiaka during November. 2012 to Ma - 2013 to e aluate
seine hotaiticals and chemical insecticides and hand picking and destruction of
infsted shoots and fruits and their impact on natural enemies lhr ceo-f nendlv
manauenient 01 brinjal shoot and fruit borer (USER). Leuciiunlev 0/IJUIUF/is (luenee.
Eight treatments were used at 7 days interval. Results presented the lowest shoot
(6.90%) and fruit inlestation (13h7%) and lowest plant infestation (19.71%) and
maximum fruit length and girth. number of fruit per plant (16.08) and highest fruit
yield (23.95 I/ha) were achieved by Ripeord 101iC 111 mI/I, of water compared to all
other treatments. S untap 50 SP 2i 2 nULL of water also performed all these results
significantly. I land picking and destruction of infested shoots and fruits from the field
showed the least performance as (Iced the botanical insecticides such neem oil, neem
seed karnel extract, neeni leaf extract and garlic extract. The fruit yield of brinjal was
highly significant and neativeIv conelatecl with shoot and fruit infestation.
Considering the impact of' management practices on the population of natural
enemies. Ripcord I OEC adversely afiècted and reduced the highest population of
ladybird beetle adult (87.43%) and lan'ae (87.710/u): and field spider (88.12%) over
control as counted visually. Suntap 5OSP also showed the higher adverse effects on
the natural enemies, whereas hand picking and destruction of infested shoots and
fruits performed the least hazardous treatment ladybird beetle adult and larvae as well
as field spider and oilier arthropods. iliough. Ripeord and Suntap reduced the highest
level of RSFI3 infestation, but they were mostly harniRil to the atrthropod hiodiversity
in the brinjal ecosystem by reducing the maximum level of the natural enemy
populatum than other 1,otanicals and cultural control which were comparatively sale
in ceo-friendly management of brinjal shoot and fruit borer.
A Thesis
Submitted to the Department of Entomology. Faculty of Agriculture,
Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka
in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of