An experiment on the performance of wheat - bushhean intercropping at different
row ratios (3:1, 4:1, 5:1, 6:1, 3:2, 4:2, 5:2, 6:2, 7:2 and 8:2) along with the sole wheat and
hushbean was conducted at the Agronomy Field, Sher-e Bangla Agricultural University,
Dhakai 207 during the period from December, 2005 to March. 2006. The experiment
was laid out in a randomized complete block design with three replications. At the
maturity, seeds were harvested, while at the vegetative stage, fresh pods of bushbean
were considered as yield. Among the intercroppin
patterns, the highest wheat equivalent
yield values of 5.095 and 4.734 were obtained with 3:2 row ratios of wheat and bushhean
intercropping pattern at maturity and vegetative stages respectively. It was observed that
the highest land equivalent ratio value was obtained with 4:1 row ratio at maturity stage
while with 3:2 row ratio at vegetative stage. The highest monetary advantage
(Tk.t7355.40/lia) was found with 3:2 row ratio when pods of bushhean were harvested at
marketable size. But when crops were grown for seed production, the highest monetary
advantage (1k. 4466.67 /hia) was found with 4:1 row ratio.