A field experiment was conducted at the research farm or Sher-e-Bangia
Agricultural Univ crsity, Dhaka. during Nov ember 200(l to March 2007 to stud)
the effects of nitrogen and boron on growth and yield of tomato. I he experiment
was laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design (R "HI)) with three
replication s of each treatment. The unit plot size was 3.96 rn2 (2.2 In x 1.8 01).
There were 12 treatment combinations in the experiment comprising 4 levels ofN
(0.60. 120 and I RO kg/ha designated as No. N60• 120 and N180• respectively) and 3
level 01'13 to. 0.4 and 0.6 kg/ha designated as Bo. B04 and B06• rc pcctively). The
indiv idual and combined effects of nitrogen ( ) and boron (13 on growth, ~ield
and nutrient content in tomato plants were studied. With increasing the lev els of
N. all the yield contributing characters and yield of tomato increased up to the) 20
kg N/ha. Application of N II 120 kg/ha gave the highest plant height (122.46 ern).
Hower clusters per plant (9.67). flowers per cluster (10.44). fruits per cluster
(5.76). fruits per plant (52.44). fruit weight per plant (1.60 kg). fruit weight per
plot ( 19.14 kg) and fruit yield (48.33 t/ha). Application of B a 0.6 kg/ha also gave
the highest values of all these parameters. "I he interaction effect ofN II 120 kg/ha
and B a 0.6 kg/ha produced the highest plant height (142.2 em). flower clusters
per plant (12.67). no" ers per cluster (11.67). fruit per cluster (6.33). fruit per
plant (67.33). fruit "eight per plant (1.953 kg). fruit \v eight per plot (23.20 kg) and
fruit) ield (58.59 t/ha). I he highest and B content in plants \\ a observ ed w ith
180 kg N/ha. Howcx er, application of N had no significant effect on B content in
plant and so for the application of B on the N content in plant. Maximum
content in post harvest soils w as found in 180 kg Nzha,
A Thesis
Submitted to the Department of Soil Science
Faculty of Agriculture
Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka
in partial fulfilment of the requirements
for the degree of
Semester: July - December. 2007