The experiments were conducted in the laboratory under the Department of
Entomology, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural I iniversity, Dhaka. Bangladesh
during the period from March. 2007 to October. 2007 to screen some
mungbean varieties br resistance to pulse beetles and to find the most effective
component(s) among some selected hotanicals applied against pulse beetles.
Considering the laboratory screening of nine mungbean varieties for resistance
against Calloscjbruci,z,s clzineizsjs Linn. and C. incwulatus Fab., in both free
choice and no choice tests more or less similar trends of results were found for
both the species. In case of C.'allosobruc/nts chinensLc Linu., the variety BARI
Mug-6 was highly susceptible; BARI Mug-4, BARI Mug-3 and BARI Mug-5
were susceptible: BARd Mug-2 and I3INA Mug-I were moderately resistant,
while BU Mug-2, I3arisal local and 131i Mug-I were Ibund to he highly
resistant host for C'. chinensix in respect of egg deposition, growth and
development, adult emergence and grain content loss. But there was no varietal
preference on egg hatching. In terms of infestation by C. niacu/atus Fah., the
varieties I3arisal local. BARI Mug-3, I3ARI Mug-4, BARI Mug-S and BINA
Mug-i were highly susceptible; BARI Mug-6 was moderately susceptible. BU
Mug-I was susceptible, while BARI Mug-2 and l3IJ Mug-2 were found to be
moderately resistant to C'aI/osobruchus inaculdilus in respect of growth and
development, adult emergence and grain content loss except egg deposition,
but there was no varietal influence on egg hatching. For both free choice and
no choice tests, the adult emergence started at 18 and 20 days aller release
(DAR) of adults of C. clsinensis and (7. Inacu/atus respectively, then the
larvae and pupae developed internally, damaged seed and grain content loss
over control for both the species, while partial reduction occurred by Neem o
number of adult emergence increased gradually and maximum adults were
emerged at 20-2 1 DAR and 22 DAR respectively and then decreased gradually.
Considering the ctièctivencss of different botanicals during the management of
C. cliinenstc and C. macu/a/us, inlesting BAR!Mug-6 and Barisal local
respectively, the treatment T3 comprising Camphor @ 2 gm/kg seeds. T1
comprising Neem oil @ 8 mI/kg seeds and 12 comprising Castor oil @ 8 nil/kg
seeds performed the best results in respect of percent reduction (100%) of
larvae and pupae developed internally, damaged seed and grain content loss
over control for both the species, while partial reduction occurred by Neem oil
and Castor oil in terms of egg deposition, egg hatching. Considering the
effectiveness of different botanicals on viability of seeds during (lie
management of pulse beetle, there was no significant et'kct of Camphor, Neem
oil and Castor oil in reducing the viability of seeds, while other treatments
(comprising Neem leaf powder 5% w/w, Castor leaf powder 5% w/w and
Bankolmi leaf powder 5% '/w) reduced the viability of seeds.
A Thesis
Submitted to the Department of Entomology
Sher-e-Barrgla Agricultural University, Dhaka,
in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of