iwo set ol experiment were conducted in the experimental held of Sher-e-Bangla
Agricultural University. Dhaka, t3angladesh during the period from October 2006 to
March 2007 to screen out some selected tomato varieties/ genotypes for resistance
against tomato fruit borer, Iielicoierpa annigera (I lubner) and to evaluate the
efficacy of sonic management practices applied against tomato fruit borer.
Considering the Ijeki screening of dilicrent tomato varieties Ibr resistance against
tomato Iiui I borer. among nine tomato varieties evaluated against tomato fruit borer.
the variety BAIt 1-2 (Ratan) and BARI-$ were the susceptible variety to tomato fruit
borer and the variety I3ARI-3. BARI-7, I3AItI-9. BINA-3 and I3INA-4 were the
moderately resistant, whereas L3INA-1 and I3INA-2 were the highly resistant. And the
trend of resistance to tomato fruit borer is BINA-1 > I3INA-2 > BINA-4 :' I3INA-3 >
i3AltI-9 I3ARI-7 > I3ARI-3 > BARI-8 > BARI-2 (Ratan). The highest yield loss
(15.17%) as recorded for the variety I3ARI-2 (Ratan) and the lowest yield loss
(6A60 was recorded for the variety BINA-2 followed by Bl>.A-1 (7.06%). The
highest sield (74.49 Uha) was recorded for the variety I3tNA-1 followed by L3INA-2
(73.24 tha) and 13A1( L-2/Ratan (73.00 t!ha) and the lowest vickl (54.98 t!ha) was
recorded in the variety (3ARI-7 followed by I3ARI-3 (61.69 t:ha). I3LNA-4 (62.42) and
l3tUt t- '.unetieS.
utinsidering the cOeds of diticrent management practices applied against tomato fruit
norer at earl', mid and late fruiting stages. the level of inkstation 1011owed more or
less similar trend for both by number and weight of tomato. where the treatment l,
(comprising Neem oil @ 3 nil/i, otwater sprayed at 7 (lays interval i plants supported
by bamboo stick) pertormed maximum number and weight of healthy fruitiplant and
fl1inimUl1i number and weight of infested fruit as well as lowest percent fruit
inibiation in number and weight whereas in Ts (Untreated control treatment) the situation is totally overturned in this trial. The tomato fruit yield increases due to
decrease the percent Fruit infestation by tomato fruit borer, also with the increase of
the plant height and number of branch per plant.
Lii considering the economic analysis of the difkrent treatments in controlling tomato
fruit borer, the highest benefit cost ratio (3.53) was recorded in the treatment T6
(consisting of' Neem oil 3 nil/litre of water sprayed at 7 days mten'al i plants
supported with bamboo stick). On the other hand, the minimum benefit cost ratio
(1.31) was recorded in treatment 'f. But no management cost was required [or T5
(rca trnent (tint rented control).
Submitted to
Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka
In the parlial fulfillment of the requirements
For the degree of