A field experiment was conducted in the field of Soil Science Department of Shcr-e
Bangla Agricultural University. Dhaka during the horo season from 3 December to 27
March, 2008. to observe the effect or Nimin coated nitrogen (N) fertilizer over priMed
nitrogenous fertilizer on the yield and yield contributing characters of 111<1(1 dhan 29. The
soil of the experimental field belongs to the Modhupur tract under AEZ 28 The
experiment was laid out in randomized block design with three replications. There were
three levels of (N) (60, 90 and 120 kg N hi1) each from urea and nimin coated nitrogen
fertilizer and one nitrogen control treatment. The unite plot size was 4 ni 3 ni, with a
spacing of 20 cm 20 cm. Nimin coated nitrogen significantly increased plant height.
tillers hill', effective tillers hill', grains panicle* grain and straw yields of BRRI dhan
29. The highest plant height, number of effective tillers and straw yield were thund in
Nimin coated nitrogen 'â 120 kg hi' which was statistically identical with Nimin coated
nitrogen (W 90 kg hi' The maximum yield (4.84 t hi') and filled grain (146 I panical')
were observed from Nimin coated nitrogen 0. 90 kg ha1 which was statistically similar
with Nimin coated nitrogen 120 kg hi' Therefore Nimin coated nitrogen @. 90 kg hi
is more economic and nitrogen use efficiency was higher than other treatments for horo
dhan 29 cultivation. The diflèrent nitrogen levels significantly influenced uptake of
nitrogen by BRR1 dhan 29. Between the tow N sour as, the highest N uptake by BRRI
dhan 29 was recorded in 120 kg Nimin coated hi'.
in all cases the uptakes of nitrogen i.e. from grain and from soil were affected by
different nitrogen fertilizers, Nimin coated nitrogen C 120 kg hi' performed the highest
A thesis Submitted to the Department of Soil Science Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka In partial flit flhlment of the requirements for the degree of