/\11 cvpcrimcnt \\:h conducted al I lorticulturc l'arm or Shcr-c-Hang!a \gri1:ultur;il
University, Dhaka during the period from October 2005 to February 2006 to stud) the
effect or phosphorus and potassium on growth, yield and post harvest potential or
broccoli. The experiment considered with two factors, factor /\: four levels or
Phosphorus (0, 30. 40 and 50 kg P/ha) and factor B: four levels of potassium (0. 50, 75
and I 00 k~ Kzha). The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Dcsion
(IH Hl)J w ith three rcplication-, lncu-c nl pho-phoru-, tlw h1;.dll''l pl:1111 h1..·1·•lt1
('i'i.X'ic1111. '>le111 diameter (:'_()<km). number 111' lc.rvc-, (I ~.78). kal length t J'i
60 DI\ T. shoot length (39.93cm). root length (30.81 cm). fresh shoot "eight (793.9g).
fresh root weight (83.42g) and main curd weight (264.3g) and curd ) icld ( 13.81 t/ha)
were recorded from P:i. But the highest curd diameter (I 7.44cm). number or secondary
curd (4.25). weight or secondary curd (I 55.3g) was round in P:!. lncasc or potassium. the
highest plant height (55.82cm). stern diameter (5.6 l cm). number or leaves ( 13.64). leaf
length ( 46.03cm) at 60 DAT, shoot length ( 40. I 4cm). root length (30. 94cm ). fresh -,honl
weight (794.4g). fresh 1'001 weight (84A2g). main curd "eight (260.0g). curd diameter
(I 7.52cm). number of secondary curd (4.0). weight or secondary curd ( 166.0g) and curd
yield (14.19 t/ha) were recorded from K,. lncasc of combined effect ofphoxphoru-, and
potassium. the highest plant height (66.65crn). stern diameter (5.92cm). number or leaves
(14.67). al 60 D/\T. shoot length (44.93cm). root length (33.67cm). Ircsh !--hoot weigh:
(899.3g). fresh root weight (96.0g). curd diameter ( 19.73cm) and main curd \\L'ight
(295.0g) were recorded from P, Ki. nut the highest leaf length (49.37crn) at (10 I>\ I.
number of -ccondary curd (5.0). weight of secondary curd (215.0g). ) icld per plant
('i05.0g).) icld per plot (9.09 kg) and) icld per hectare ( 16.83 t) were lound in I' "
Po-rharvcvt potential or broccoli \\<IS negatively correlated \\ ith the lcrl il ivcr
combination'>. I he minimum amount or lertili1cr!-. (PoK11) showed the long1..·-,1 ,!tell lilc
(17.87 da)") of broccoli "hen "cpl in refrigerator w ith pol_\cth)lcne hag .u -i (. 11t~
highc . ..,t net return ( 11... 287458.75/ha) and benefit cost ratio (5.84) \\CrL' recorded lr11111 11•