An experiment was conducted in the Horticulture farm of Sher-e-Dangla Agricultural
University, Dhaka, Bangladesh during the period from November 2006 to January 2007 to
study the effect of mulching and fertilizers on growth and yield of turnip. No mulch (Mo) and
mulch of water hyacinth ((M1)) were used for mulching treatment and 6 levels of fertilizers
vis. without fertilizer (Fe), Cowdung (F1), Oil cake (F2), Cowdung + Oil cake (f-3), Urea+
Triple Super Phosphate + Muriate of potash (F4) and Cowdung + Urea + Triple Super
Phosphate+ Muriate of potash (F s) were used. The tallest plant (57.40 cm), maximum total
fresh weight per plant (571.31 g), highest yield per hectare (35.98 t) was recorded from M1
At harvest the tallest plant (61.60 cm), maximum total fresh weight per plant (650.06 g),
highest yield per hectare (40.22 t) was recorded from f's. At harvest the highest gross return
Tk. 322,800 was obtained from M1Fs and the highest net return Tk. 174,312 was obtained
from M1F5 and the maximum (2.17) benefit cost ratio was attained from M1Fs.