The study was LtnderL ken Iör estabIisItiin a protocol 11w in i'itro cailtis indtiction, plant
regeneration and nititaen sensitivity of two gerbera arieties. This research was held in
the tissue culture laboratory ii C icnctics and Plant l3rccding Dvpartnient. Slier-c-Ilangla
Agricultural 11ni\ersit\. ShL'r-c-E3ainki N;t'zir. t)haka. flie effect of diflèrcni
comb i nat ion and c(micenuatioll 11 N A A .i id H A P on iii sin•o cal his itidtiction and plant
regeneration was studied. The concentrations i1>r HA P were Ii) ing/L. 1.5 nig/L and
2.0nig.'L. The concentration for combined NAA and 13AP verel.O nig/L NAA+I.0 m&I.
HAP. I .OmgiL NAA+2.0 mg/I .13A1'. It) mg/F. NAA+4.0 mg/I. I3AP. 1.5 mg/L NAA+ 1.0
mg/I. BA!' and 1.50 nit NA •\ 1.5 mg/I. HAP. The Red variety took minimum days
(4.00 days) for callus initiation and the largest site (2.77 cm) of callus were Ibtind with
the same treatmeni of' 1.51) I NAA 5 tiitl HAl'. The highest weight (3.12 gnu) of
callus was noticed in the vartet\ Red ith the treatillent to tug/I. NAA' to mgJL RAP at
42 DAt. In case olshoot iiiiiautiii. i'lliCIN Red took minintuni lime (5.60 days) Followed
bs variet\ Yellow (8.74 days). the andy Red produced the maximum number of
shoots/plantkt (16.80 shools1flantlell and the longest shoot (8.60 cm) 16110 ed by
Yellow ( 13.29 shoots:plantlet :iricl 2.63 cal) at 42 DAI . The Red variety also produced
maxinuni number of Icavesp ant let (22.40 leaves ) with the treatment 2.0mg/I I3AP
within 42 I)1U. The varict\ Yellow Look nninitnu days (9.31) days) to root initiation
thI towed by Red I I .20 days . \Vheii v:tniet and treatment took under considerations, the
treatment 1.50 me/I. NAA 1.5 TIM/I BA P ith variety Red produced the maximum
14.70 roots/plantlet). flie longest roots 7.5(j cm) were touitd in the Red variety with the
treatment of 1.5 mg/I. NAA '1.1) tug/I. HAl' al .12 t)AI. the investivation ott induction of
mutation in vilro was aimed for understanding the eflèct of eheniica I mutagens on the
survival percentage of shoot and ubitornialities of leaF'. the survival percentage and the
number ol shoots produced Ino it the treated shoot tips ofgerbera decreased with d it'lbrent
concentrations ol the EMS used. \l in ri tim percentage 01 sun iva I shoot tips (39.59%)
was found ill the ellov vaniet\ ith the concentrations 500 uM EMS. Yellow variety
has sho ii niax i mum 60.4 I % mortal it and Red variety shown 69.87% abnormal leaf
ith the same coneeluratioli 51)1) 1tM I \ IS. Ilte regenerated plantlets were translerred
sticcesslülh in earthen pot and suhsequenhI to soil. fhie sLirvival rate or the plantlets of
Red variety was greater than Yellos vartet under cx 'iim conditions.
A Thesis
Submitted to the Faculty of Agriculture
Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka,
in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of