Field and laboratory experiments were conducted at the farm and laboratory of the
Horticulture Research Centre (HRC), Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI),
Joydebpur, Gazipur during the period from October 2004 to April 2005. The objectives
of the research work were to study the growth, yield, relative cost, returns, and shelf life
of BARI tomato-9 as influenced by different levels of nitrogen and stages of fruit
maturity. Two experiments were laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD)
with three replications. There were seven nitrogen levels (0, 140, 160, 180, 200, 220 and
2-W Kg °!'-:ha) in the first experiment and SC\'Cll nitrogen levels (0. 1-llJ. I ()0. I SO. 200.
220 and 2-10 Kg I'\ ha) with three stages of maurritv (breaker stages. hal l-ripc. any lull
ripe) in the second experiment.
Plant height. number or k~I\ cs. da; s to :'()"" llU\\'Cring. number nl' llowcr clusters.
number of flowers per cluster. fruits per plant. fruit length and diameter, weight of
individual fruit and fruit yield were significantly influenced by different levels of
nitrogen. The highest levels of nitrogen (240 Kg N/ha) produced the highest fruit yield
(85.42 ton/ha) and gave maximum (3.07) Benefit cost ratio (BCR).