The experiment was conducted at the experimental field of Plant Pathology Division
of Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI). Gazipur during the period of Boro
season from November 2007 to March, 2008 to study the yield loss and management
of Bakanae disease in seed bed. The variety BRI was used as the test crop, In the seed
bed. the experiment comprised the treatments of TI: Conza 0.3% (5 EC
Hexaconazole) @ 1.5 ml/SOO ml water, T2: Sunconazole 0.3% (25 EC Propiconazole
25%) @ 1.5 ml/500 ml water; TJ: Nativo 0.3% (75 WG-Tebuconazole 50 +
trifloxistrobin 250/0) @ 1.5 gl500 ml water: T4: Zeal 0.3% (75 WP-Tricyclozole) @
1.5 g/500 ml water; Ts: Bavistin 0.3% (Carbendazim 500/0)@ 1.5 glSOOml water; T6:
Biocontrol agent (bacteria) 300 ml water and T,: Control. In the field experiment, it
was comprised of two factors. such as Factor A: Spraying number: 2 levels- 81: Single
spray and 82: Double spray; Factor B: Control measures- T1: Bavistin @ 0.5%; T2:
Bavistin @ 0.4%; T3: Bavistin @ 0.3%; T,,: Knowin @ 0.5%: Ts: Knowin @ 0.40/0~
T6: Knowin @ 0.3%~ T7: Seed treatment@ 0.3%) Bavistin; Ts' Seed treatment @ 0.30/0
Knowin: T9: Control only fresh water and T 10: Control without fresh water, In case of
chemical control, the minimum nwnber of Bakanae infected seedlings (1.38 m-2 and
1.53 m-2) was found from T2 and. the maximum number (9,57 m'2 and 9.69 m-2) was
recorded from T7. In case of spraying number, the minimum Bakanae infected seedlings (0.54 m-2 and 0.96 m-2) were recorded for 82• while the maximum number
(0.72 m-2 and 1.19 m-2) was found from S" respectively. In case of control measures.
the minimum Bakanae infected seedlings (0.09 m-2 and 0.13 m-2) were recorded from
T7• while the maximum number (1.49 m-2 and 1.83 m") was found from TIO• In case
of interaction effect of spraling number and control measures. the minimum Bakanae
infected seedlings (0.07 m' and 0.12 m-2) were recorded from S2T7and the maximum
number (1.62 m-1 and 1.87 m-2) was observed from SITlo. At 60,80 and 100 OAT, the
minimum Bakanae infected hills (0.74 m'2 , 1.60 m-2 and 1.50 m") was obtained for
S2, 'while the maximum number (0.84 mol, 1.77 m'2 and 1.82 m') was found from 51'
The highest yield (3_52 t ha") was recorded from S2 while the lowest (3.11 t ha-1) was
obtained from Sr. At 60,80 and 100 DAT, the minimum Bakanae infected hills (0_14
m-2, 0.39 m-2 and 0.50 m-2) were recorded from T7• while the maximum number (2 37
m", 3.33 and 3.35 m-2) was found from T9- The highest yield (3.47 t ha") was
recorded from T7 and the lowest (3.13 t ha") was found from T9• At 60. 80 and 100
DAT, the minimum Bakanae infected hills (0.14 m-2~ 0.33 m'2 and 0.44 mol) were
recorded from S2T7, again the maximwn number of Bakanae infected hills (2.44 m-2•
3.55 m-2 and 3.55 m-2) was recorded from SIT9• The highest yield (3.67 t ha-I) was
recorded from 82T7• while the lowest (2.85 t ha-t) was found from SIT,o,